Using Modern Technology to Tackle Racism and Slavery

Last Modified:3 Jul 2023 12:45:19
Using Modern Technology to Tackle Racism and Slavery

Although the specter of slavery has changed, it still haunts our world today. Today, we know this as "modern slavery", a term coined by the UN to describe situations where people are forced to work under threat of some form of punishment. Modern slavery takes many forms: human trafficking, forced labor, debt slavery, forced marriage, and child labor. Its sustainability is a global challenge, and countries are grappling with its roots in conflict, corruption, poverty and systemic inequality. Artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technology can be powerful tools in our arsenal to fight modern slavery and the creeping shadow of racism.

An important application of artificial intelligence is its ability to digest and analyze large amounts of data. By scouring social media, online forums, and even the elusive corners of the dark web, AI can spot potential cases of human trafficking and modern-day slavery. In addition, machine learning algorithms, if properly programmed, can detect patterns of racial hatred or discrimination online and hold individuals accountable for their words and actions.

At the same time, modern technologies such as blockchain can unravel the complex web of global supply chains and shed light on links to forced or child labour. By providing transparency, we can empower consumers to make informed, ethical choices and indirectly compel businesses to respect labor rights. The power of AI is about education and awareness. Interactive platforms powered by artificial intelligence, such as chatbots or immersive virtual reality experiences, can untangle the complex realities of modern slavery and racism. They can promote empathy, understanding and encourage collective action.

In law enforcement, AI assists authorities through predictive policing algorithms. These tools can focus on areas where modern slavery may occur and optimize resource allocation. In addition, artificial intelligence can speed up legal proceedings, quickly sift through voluminous case data and obtain relevant information for prosecution. An AI empathy app has been instrumental in creating a strong support system for survivors of modern slavery.

It can connect survivors with the right resources and services and create a personalized path to recovery and integration. While artificial intelligence and advanced technology hold great promise in the fight against modern slavery and racism, they are complementary tools to broader systemic efforts to address the root causes. These technologies should be used ethically and ensure that they improve, rather than inadvertently harm, the vulnerable populations they are intended for. As we grapple with the complexities of today's world, let's ensure that our shared pursuit of justice is fueled by technology, empathy, and a deep understanding of our shared humanity. 



Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist & Visionary 

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