Airlines Make Benefit of Ticket Sale via Blockchain
The second biggest airline in Russia has gain a remarkable benefit through selling its tickets based on Blockchain. During a month, the sale amount is estimated about $1 million. According to S7 company report, the successful results of selling ticket through Blockchain platform show the possibility of profitable usage of this new technology in the businesses to have more income. The application of Blockchain in different businesses can bring about more benefit and boom.
How is Blockchain and Its Use in Airline Ticketing?
According to Russian S7 airlines, in July 2019, selling ticket through Blockchain platforms has helped it to have a simpler and more effective communication with its ticket sale agent. In fact, this company has been able to organize independent sale networks for itself. The above mentioned company has launched Blockchain-based ticket sale system with the cooperation of Alpha Bank in Russia. Through employing Blockchain, S7 was able to connect its ticket reservation system to the bank system safely. With Blockchain technology, the speed of users’ transactions increases greatly and paperwork common in ticketing at the companies is avoided.
How Is the Application of Blockchain in Different Businesses?
The application of B2B and B2C businesses is not ignorable. Many barriers on the way of big and small companies are related to administrative systems and complex paperwork which cannot be complained about. In fact, if it is planned not to be any smart system and network in the working process of the organizations, there should be some elaborated processes and procedures to make regulation. The result of such processes is the need to pass complex bureaucratic stages and wasting the employers’, the staff’s and big and small companies’ time. But is it acceptable to procrastinate when efficient networks like Blockchain can be employed to facilitate different performances?
Is the Approach of Russia about Blockchain Still Unclear?
Russian companies are attempting to employ Blockchain, while the government of this country is seriously against cryptocurrencies and after complexities it has had, finally it doesn’t recognize cryptocurrencies now and has set some limitations for it. Of course, the government of Russia, has not expressed any prohibition and opposition about other technologies that cover other fields rather than cryptocurrencies. The same approach can be a sign of hidden tendency of these governments in using and developing Blockchain and even cryptocurrencies. The issue of free use of cryptocurrencies and entering them into economy is along with many probable risks and in the countries where there is the possibility of using this new communicative-economic system to bypass global sanctions, the matter gets more critical. Russia might not be inclined to unveil its hidden tool for its international transactions and trades publicly.