The Intersection of AI, Quantum Computing, and the New World Order

Last Modified:28 Jun 2023 11:18:57
The Intersection of AI, Quantum Computing, and the New World Order


On the brink of a technological revolution, the lines of the Persian poet Saadi have never been more apt: "Bani Adam A'za-ye Yek Peikarand," that is, "all men are members of one frame." This article delves into the intriguing, if somewhat frightening, matrix that artificial intelligence and quantum computing are weaving in today's world.


Imagine a world where borders disappear, replaced by the free flow of ideas, resources and opportunities. Imagine a life where your ability to earn income is not tied to access to capital. It's not a flight of fancy, it's an escape. It is a reality shaped by the powerful forces of artificial intelligence and quantum computing. They are undermining traditional structures and creating a new world order in which prosperity is no longer a privilege but a universal possibility.


However, there is a thorn in the back of this attractive vision. With the advent of this brave new world, we risk heightened societal double standards. The matrix in which we move is a complex web. It's all about innovation, but it can also lead us down the vine of inequality if we're not careful. The privileged stand to reap the lion's share of the benefits of these technological advances, while the disadvantaged may remain in the shadows. If left unchecked, artificial intelligence and quantum technologies can become mirrors that reflect and reinforce existing societal biases.


How can we avoid this trap? Saadi's centuries-old wisdom may hold the key. His words are a powerful reminder that we are interconnected. If one part of society suffers, it affects the whole society. With this spirit etched into our minds, we must ensure that artificial intelligence and quantum computing become tools of unity, not division. In this amazing new era, we are not just observers but active participants. Quantum computing, with its enormous problem-solving power, enables us to solve pressing problems, from climate change to healthcare, from financial modeling to global logistics. However, the effectiveness of our solutions depends on our ability to ensure that their benefits spread to all parts of society.


Navigating this era of change requires a fine balance between vigilance and foresight. With the powerful power of artificial intelligence and quantum computing, we must be careful to direct these forces toward the collective ascension of humanity, not just the ascension of a few.


Our journey into this exciting future must echo Saadi's call for empathy and solidarity: "Bani Adam A'za-ye Yek Peikarand." As members of the same organization, we must ensure that the well-being of some does not worsen the suffering of others. With this basic principle in mind, we can decipher the complex matrix of modernity and pave the way for a technologically advanced and highly human future. 




Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist and Specialist in Blockchain Technology

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