The Evolving International Landscape: A Plea for Harmony and Consistency

Last Modified:23 Sep 2023 18:01:44
The Evolving International Landscape: A Plea for Harmony and Consistency


In the wake of the USSR's dissolution, the world has undergone significant shifts. The United States, asserting its financial dominance, emerged as the primary global power. However, the contemporary global landscape is rapidly evolving, and the undisputed role of the US dollar as the world's reserve currency has increasingly come into question.


The United States has maintained its financial ascendency by printing the US dollar, adroitly utilizing debt securities to manage global inflation and fulfill its international commitments. Nevertheless, this system is inherently unsustainable. An alliance of nations, encompassing China, Russia, Iran, and India, is coalescing to challenge this status quo and contest the US dollar's supremacy.


In the event that the US dollar loses its position as the world's reserve currency, the delicate balance of global economic power could be drastically destabilized. This could diminish the United States' influence significantly. Concurrently, China's economy, becoming increasingly resilient and assertive, is endeavoring to consolidate its dominance by integrating Taiwan—an action that has led to escalating tensions and could potentially trigger a substantial conflict.


It is conceivable to posit that the Third World War may have subtly begun, in a clandestine and sophisticated manner. The consequences of this conflict might not be instantly discernible, but they will undoubtedly shape our immediate future.


As global citizens, we cannot disregard the crucial significance of peace, stability, and human welfare. Our focus should lie in ensuring the provision of basic necessities such as food, education, and security for our citizens, rather than diverting resources towards militarization and power contests. It is crucial to heed the lessons from our historical experiences and strive to prevent a recurrence of past calamities.


We find ourselves in a moment that calls for the global community to come together, pursue harmonious resolutions, and nurture a more stable, prosperous world for future generations. Our collective efforts can build a resilient global community that values peace over conflict, cooperation over rivalry, and the shared welfare of humanity over individual national interests. As we navigate this evolving international landscape, these principles should guide our path towards a more harmonious and prosperous future.


Author: Pooyan Ghamari, Swiss Economist & Visionary 

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