- Chief executive officer of Telegram has said that they might soon integrate Web3 features into their platform. “Bitcoin News”
- Ukraine claims it blocked a crypto wallet used to receive donations for Russian forces. “Bitcoin News”
- Cardano is close to launching the Vasil hard fork. “U Today”
- In order to boost participation, Binance announces XRP rewards for its users. “U Today”
- The Ethereum foundation has revealed a $1 million bounty for white hat hacker to find serious bugs in their platform. “Crypto Slate”
- New data shows, 46 percent of crypto investors are seeing lower than expected returns. “Coin Telegraph”
- Bradesco, the second biggest bank in Brazil and Latin America in assets, with more than 70 million customers, is still not interested in the crypto market. “Bitcoin News”
- SEC chair has said, “there is no reason to treat the crypto market differently from the rest of the capital markets.” “Bitcoin News”
Posted by author
Thursday, August 25, 2022 7:28:00 PM