E-Book by Blockchain Visionary - Vol. 1

Last Modified:11 Feb 2023 22:10:41
E-Book by Blockchain Visionary - Vol. 1

The first volume of the E-book comprised of articles and essays by Blockchain visionary Pooyan Ghamari is available for download:


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Here is a list of the topics discussed in this book:

An Introduction to Blockchain
Privacy in Blockchain Technology

Blockchain, the Beginning of the Financial and Security Revolution

What Is the Blockchain Ecosystem?

The Magic of Gold and Digital Money

Comparing Conventional Databases and Blockchain

Public, Private, and Federated Blockchains

Introduction to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple and the Token Universe

The Status of the Trust and Transparency Economy in Blockchain

A Look at the Protocols in the Blockchain Technology

Instant Messaging and Blockchain Technology

Deploying MimbleWimble Technology and Lightning Network in Litecoin Blockchain

How Will Crypto Finance Evolve in the Near Future as an Emerging Field?

How Do Cryptocurrencies and Tokens Influence Global Economy and International Financial Systems?

Consensus Protocols in Distributed Systems

Everything You Need to Know about NFTs


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