Cryptocurrencies as Banks: The Reason Why Bitcoin Might Fall to $4,000

Last Modified:8 Jan 2023 10:34:14
Cryptocurrencies as Banks: The Reason Why Bitcoin Might Fall to $4,000

by Puya Chamer

Founder & CEO | Counos Blockchain Industry



All over the world there are literally thousands of banks operating within various financial frames, acting as the bedrock of the global economy.

For instance, according to the Swiss Federal Statistical Office[1], in the country of Switzerland alone, there are 243 banks.

Among them are the UBS Group, Credit Suisse, Raiffeisen Switzerland, and so many others. While there might a healthy level of competition between these banks, their validity is not questioned with regard to each other.

It means that each bank is operating within its own charter and offers its own special programs to its clients, much like other banks in other countries.

          All of these banks are fully licenses and are under constant checks and balances that are carried out by mostly government watchdog organizations to make sure proper operations. Additionally, these banks are in bilateral and multilateral relationships with other banks around the world, establishing credit relationship with one another.

          However, the point that I want to raise in this article is that if we look at the crypto market, it can be surmised that cryptocurrencies can also be regarded as banks.

But how?


Cryptos as Banks

So, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies in the market. And each one of these cryptocurrencies is like a bank.

Therefore, the first question that I want to answer is how are cryptocurrencies like banks? The answer to that question is threefold:

  1. Deposit

First off, one of the prominent aspects of conventional banking is depositing money.

With crypto, when you buy the coin or token, it is as if you deposit your money in their system.

  1. Withdraw

Of course, the other half of the banking duo is withdrawing.

With crypto, when you sell the coin or token, it is as if you withdraw your money from their system.

  1. Internal Transaction

And lastly:

When you sell that coin or token to another user, it is as if you have engaged in internal transaction.


          Based on these three factors, the stool of banking gets completed for the crypto market, and the indication exists for the remarkable resemblance of the cryptocurrencies and banks.


Hollow Banks

          There are similarities between cryptocurrencies and banks. But what are the differences?

          There are some major differences, and that is where the serious issues of the crypto market can be found.

          As was mentioned above banks are being controlled and checked constantly by impartial third parties. However, in the case of cryptocurrencies, they claim to be decentralized, but are actually being controlled by a small group of people in the market.

Wolf in the Sheep’s Clothing

Irresponsible Centralization in the Decentralization Clothing

So, cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and countless others, that say are decentralized but are actually centralized and controlled by a small group of people, can act as completely irresponsible banks with zero liability.


Bitcoin Will Fall to $4,000

This is how they were able to manipulate the market and take Bitcoin to about $69,000.

But, now if you look at it, BTC is barely hovering above $16,000.

My prediction is that Bitcoin will go down as far as $4,000.

          Exactly how? This is how they make the system work. You see, with a bank, when you deposit your money, you take out your money, or the bank can, at worst, declare official bankruptcy.

          But when you purchase crypto (deposit money into crypto), most of the people are going to lose their money and a small group of people who manipulate the market will win all this money. Now, keep in mind that this is true for many crypto projects, but of course not for all of them. Because there are still genuine crypto projects in the market.

          The group of manipulators in the market run projects like a casino and treat the market like a money game. They use pump and dump and various other methods, so that they can bring the price down: this means that the money is gone to them, and will never really get back into market circulation; it is only circulated between the manipulators themselves.  

          Even worse, the price can jump to zero and you will lose all your “deposit” overnight, never getting a whiff of it ever again. This is exactly what happened with Terra LUNA, and many others.

          Essentially, what we unfortunately see with many crypto projects is a Ponzi scheme. But as was mentioned above, they hide behind the so-called anonymity of the decentralization, which is not even real. Usually in a Ponzi scheme when the system goes up it implodes. But with these crypto projects, because no one takes responsibility for them and no one say that they are behind it, the whole project can even go to zero and go high once again.

          So, I believe that Bitcoin will go further down, even as far as 4,000 dollars, so that new investors can be attracted. Because the money that has already the market is being circulated in the form of the coins, so it’s not a new money. Investors are much likely to enter at 4,000 dollars so that the new cycle of pump and dump can begin. This can happen again and again virtually infinite times. Bitcoin can even go very high, as much as to $500,000 and then fall back again.

This is a circle to get money into the system. It all depends on the process of entering money, which is purchasing Bitcoin and other coins, and the process of exiting money. All these attempts are made to attract investors into the market to bring new money.

So, as you can see many of these crypto projects are like a casino, and as it usually has been the case, when you go in the casino, 3 to 5 percent of the people win and the rest will lose.

