Blockchain, a Beneficial or Harmful Technology for the Environment?

Last Modified:12 May 2020 16:18:54
Blockchain, a Beneficial or Harmful Technology for the Environment?

It seems that with the advent of new technologies, human beings have faced one of the biggest challenges of their time. Mankind is faced with a conundrum, in which he is enticed to continue conquering the boundaries of artificial intelligence and strange technologies on the one hand and to get involved in many discussions due to worries about harmful effects of these technologies on the environment on the other. The blockchain is among controversial technologies which is considered as the achievement of the digital revolution. This new technology which has many opportunities and capabilities still needs time to prove itself. However, what has made Blockchain an important concern for the environmentally conscious is its high energy consumption to mine cryptocurrencies, namely, cryptocurrencies mining. Now, is it really a threat or a benefit?

Cryptocurrency Mining and its Outcomes

Mining cryptocurrencies consume a lot of energy. Mining network of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies needs powerful computers. This energy consumption is so high that it takes one percent of the global energy. Except for China, about 80 percent of this energy is renewable and supplied from the companies located in the U.S. and Europe which are busy in manufacturing green energy. So it seems that pessimism glasses should be taken off and optimistically told that we should proceed the issue of energy consumption more realistically. Supplying necessary energy to mine cryptocurrencies caused some creations and movements in the manufacture section of the world. Reopening old African plants attempts to use salty water to manufacture energy and massive use of windmills, all, show the effectiveness of the Blockchain world on energy production.

Using surplus green energies which no specific application has been specified for it, is a suitable method to put an end to the discussions arisen from energy consumption in mining cryptocurrencies. It sounds that Blockchain enjoys a high capacity to straighten up the issue of energy in the world effectively rather than being a threat to the environment.

Blockchain and Optimum Energy Use

It should be accepted that the optimum energy use is more valuable than consuming it less. Even if the consuming energy for mining cryptocurrencies is removed from the world, the estimations and statistics predict its 28 percent continuous increase in the coming two decades. So, it would be better to think about optimizing energy consumption instead of worrying about consuming one percent of global energy. Omitting Blockchain and the world of cryptocurrencies solely because of the amount of energy consumed will not solve any problem of the world, and it is somehow similar to ignoring the question itself. New technologies offer creative techniques to solve energy problem; for example, a Blockchain-based energy network called Eloncity has suggested a creative alternative to optimize cryptocurrencies energy consumption. The strategy of this system is to avoid consuming centralized energies and seeks to create a smart energy storing system wherein micro-grids are connected to each other and make an extensive macro-grids. Centralized energy manufacturing systems are highly expensive, but micro- and local grids which are decentralized and in fact are supplied by renewable resources in various regions significantly help modification of consumption model.

Blockchain and Developing Supply Chain Management

Through a more careful look at Blockchain, you will find out that the advantages of this network can have very extensive aspects. Supply chain management is one of the arenas Blockchain can freely work in. The fact is that supply chain management systems are not able to control all parts of the chain clearly and accurately and in many cases, it will be impossible to diagnose the starting point of the problem; however, with the help of technologies such as internet of things and Blockchain, a more careful control and management in supply chain parts and monitoring each stage of this chain will be possible, no difference whether it is related to the supply chain of a vehicle or other goods like textile, drug, etc. It will be feasible to connect warehouse keepers, producers, suppliers, distributors, and final customers.

Such equipment to track supply chain will lead to transparencies in the field of different companies’ performance, and it will be easier to understand their performance toward the environment. The companies which leave Carbon footprint in the environment will be easily tracked through Blockchain and other technologies. It will be a factor to increase the social responsibility of the companies and producers toward nature.

Blockchain and Recycling

Blockchain can be useful in recycling too. Currently, there are some sporadic measures in garbage recycling in most of the world spots and tracking these activities meticulously is not possible. Luckily, through the Blockchain system, you can comfortably track and manage recycling programs in every region including details such as cost, region, profit, companies, and the people participated in it. Some rewards in the form of Cryptographic tokens can be used to encourage the public to take part in these recycling programs too. RecycleToCoin is a pioneer app which employs Blockchain in its recycling plans. Through this app, the people will receive tokens in exchange for plastic containers and garbage. Some automated machines have been accommodated all around Europe and the U.S. to receive plastic and give a token to the customers too. Such programs will surely be effective in invoking the societies enthusiasm to participate in garbage recycling programs.

Final Points

It seems that Blockchain has interesting and efficient alternatives for the human’s big problems in protecting the environment. Therefore, not only you need not to worry about its high energy consumption, but also be hopeful in modifying consumption models and changing energy resources because of its presence. Blockchain has an extraordinary capacity to bestow more welfare on our lives. The presence of such a new technology certainly gets more. The fact that what is the approach of different governments and countries about it and what changes will it bear to grow more are two questions which will be answered in the future.