Posts in Category: Technology Services

verified social networks of Counos Platforms

Given that social networks have become prevalent and the need for raising proper awareness about the Counos Platform project in the world, we will introduce all the verified social networks of Counos Platforms in this post.

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Counos Escrow Service on Blockchain

The buyer always needs a guarantee that he will get the purchased goods or services. And the seller wants to be sure that the payment will be received on time and in full. So the special type of a secure financial arrangement was created, in which an independent third party acts as a guarantor between two parties from the deal. 

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The New Version of Counos X

The newest version of Counos X has been released. Counos X is a secure, fast, and pioneer cryptocurrency that has been developed according to the new version of Litecoin. With increasing the level of the users’ privacy, this cryptocurrency has created many expectations according to the newest methods of cryptocurrency technologies and also increasing the efficiency and the speed of transactions transfer.


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